What will happen to my account if I pass away?



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9, male

Verified Accounts

Posts: 25

What will happen to my account if I pass away?

from Help on 02/26/2017 02:16 PM

You can tell us in advance whether you'd like to have your account
memorialized or permanently deleted from Fancyber.

Memorialized Accounts
A place for friends, family and/or public space to gather and share
memories after a person has passed away, following key features are:

  • Depending on the privacy settings of the account, friends
    can share memories on the memorialized guestbook.
  • Content the person shared (ex: photos, posts) stays on Fancyber
    and is visible to the audience it was shared with. (ei: friends or public)
  • Memorialized profiles don't appear in public spaces.
  • No one can log into a memorialized account.

Deleting Your Account
You can choose to have your account permanently deleted should you pass away:
  • From the top right of Fancyber, click the gear icon and select Settings.
  • From the left side, click Data and Privacy, click delete account.
  • After you prompt a notice for account deletion,
    please enter the password of the account pass away owner.
  • Click Yes, Delete my account.
Note: To request account deletion for decease user, contact us via email: [email protected] and attach any of the following documents that needs to verified the identity of the reported decease user as follows:
  • Username of account
  • Death Certificate or
  • Medical certificate of the cause of death

Reply Edited on 07/11/2022 05:47 PM.

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