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temples1129 says:
Leave a comment 75 months ago
temples1129 says:
Leave a comment 75 months ago
temples1129 says:
If you are looking for a nice lady that can be an occasional ass, IM RIGHT HERE, Lol. Kidding aside, I have been called a "nice lady" by many, BUT my friends know how to rile me up. They describe me as funny, patient, understandng, loyal, dependable, low maintenance, stubborn, strange, you name it. I enjoy traveling to new places and seeing new things, as well as just the everyday, simple things in life. I'm not married or a swinger. Just giving this online thing a try. Looking for friendship first, hopefully a long term relationship will develop. My past has taught me to value relationships and friendships above all else. I know what is truly important in my life, it's the experience. My perfect match? Mmmmm lets see... I'm not looking for my "perfect" match. That would be boring. I'm looking for my best friend. My buddy. I know how corny, but that IS it. The one I want to come home to, give a big hug and kiss to and ask how his day was. Someone who is a team player, is honest, even if it is not what people like to hear (with tact) and desire an exclusive relationship with the understanding it is based on trust. Without trust and honesty, there is no relationship. You are not a total home body but enjoy the home and
family life. Do you like watching a movie by a fire, taking a walk on a rainy day, just sitting out on the porch and looking at the stars or just like laughing at yourself and those around you? Me too : ).
Leave a comment 75 months ago