alanaguirre11's Guestbook




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After 35 rejections from different companies in my applications to get an internship, I was having this personal conflict in my mind believing that I was not good enough such as my disability, native language, ethnicity, immigration status, and interview skills. However, something in my self was telling me, "Alan, life has something very special for you. An awesome internship is waiting for you. Keep trying, don't give up!"


Then, the 36th interview came with a company called Ernst & Young, and they said, "Yes, we want you as an intern in our Dallas office." It was the first one that trusted in me. The first that saw my disability as an instrument to build a better working world. The first one that still makes me feel proud of my Hispanic heritage. For this reason, I'm a firm believer that EY has a culture of caring and compassion where everyone can feel safe, respected, and valued.

After 8 months of internship, I have received the offer to be part of the EY family in June 2020 after finishing my master's in Accounting at the University of Utah. Now, I understand that life prepared this firm for me where inclusiveness and diversity are the cornerstone of their success. Thank you so much EY for being the answer to my prayers, I will see you soon! #offer #master #EY #accounting0_1.jpg

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