Gästebuch von Alfonzo_Tapley28




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Kommentar schreiben vor 84 Monaten
Kommentar schreiben vor 87 Monaten
Sagrada Familia Cathedral #Spain #Catholicism #Photography
Kommentar schreiben vor 87 Monaten
Breaking: Vine app is officially shutting down by Twitter today, the app icon was changed into black color and replaced as Vine camera, to record 6 seconds video for Twitter client.

Kommentar schreiben vor 89 Monaten
SECRET NEWS: We talk about Facebook and their revenue's and stocks, as we know Facebook generated $17.5 billion last 2015, while the Founder and CEO of Facebook and their affiliate was suprassed the total earnings of the Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg's networth reach $50 billion this 2016 then the question is, why Zuckerberg has lot of money than earnings of Facebook? So let's have to ask questions to the former Facebook employee (we hide their identity for their security) one employee said because the owner of Facebook was a cheater and they sold all Facebook user's data to the dark web / deep web / black market secretly, and ignored the privacy issues of the company. The other said that the FB owner is an anti-christ and he is the member of the secret society called Illuminati cult. And the other said, he stole other social media site that compete to the Facebook then he will sold it to the dark web for a billion dollars or bitcoins.
Kommentar schreiben vor 90 Monaten