Gästebuch von sbf_ftx




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sbf_ftx sagt:
I sincerely apologize.

We'll keep sharing updates as we have them.

Kommentar schreiben vor 18 Monaten
sbf_ftx sagt:
6) (Note that http://FTX.us and http://Binance.us–two separate companies–are not currently impacted by this. http://FTX.us's withdrawals are and have been live, is fully backed 1:1, and operating normally.)
Kommentar schreiben vor 18 Monaten
sbf_ftx sagt:
5) I know that there have been rumors in media of conflict between our two exchanges, however Binance has shown time and again that they are committed to a more decentralized global economy while working to improve industry relations with regulators. We are in the best of hands.
Kommentar schreiben vor 18 Monaten
sbf_ftx sagt:
4) A *huge* thank you to CZ, Binance, and all of our supporters. This is a user-centric development that benefits the entire industry. CZ has done, and will continue to do, an incredible job of building out the global crypto ecosystem, and creating a freer economic world.
Kommentar schreiben vor 18 Monaten
sbf_ftx sagt:
3) But the important thing is that customers are protected.
Kommentar schreiben vor 18 Monaten