Gästebuch von Apple




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Apple sagt:
Kommentar schreiben vor 12 Monaten
Apple sagt:
Commissioned by Apple. Selena in low-light #ShotoniPhone "If sharing my story can help just one person, it's worth it." — @SelenaGomez #MyMindAndMe @appletvplus #ShotoniPhone by Justin C. @justincampbellstudios316928417_934692900838052_7024781167365754690_n.jpg
Kommentar schreiben vor 17 Monaten
Apple sagt:
"The magic of "freezing" a feeling in an image is something that fascinates me." #ShotoniPhone by Óscar A. @wildoscar
Kommentar schreiben vor 17 Monaten
Apple sagt:
"I like using Ultra Wide to create interesting distortion. #ShotoniPhone by Jirasak P @joez19320366306_1637747680028541_5616995313557902000_n.jpg
Kommentar schreiben vor 17 Monaten
Apple sagt:
"It's like being lost in the woods but the stars can give you directions." #ShotoniPhone by Khairul S. @k__amin315548727_126721633352007_1619552114334711364_n.jpg
Kommentar schreiben vor 18 Monaten